UI/UX Design, Project Mgmt | Pulse Web Platform

(From 2022 to Ongoing) Support the development of the Pulse product, create documentation and design specifications to help lead the development direction for a team of developers from Emids, as well as others. Migrate and unify several client-essential features from existing software products to strengthen the position of the Pulse platform, as well as a number of as-yet unreleased modules. More about Pulse.

UI/UX Design | SimStream web app

(From 2020 to 2021) Provided interface design and UX refinement for a playback and review tool designed to help content creators join secure sessions, and provide in-the-moment feedback on a private video streaming platform. Built an end-to-end prototype of the web application for developers to reference when building the tool. This internal software solution is still being developed and tested with ex-Sim (now Picture Shop) clients and customers.

Product & Project Mgmt, UI/UX Design | Metabanq Web App

(From 2018 to 2022) Working closely with the Product Designer, Jesse Korosi, created documentation and design specifications to help lead the development direction for a small and dedicated team of developers from Emids (formerly Quovantis), inluding stories breakdowns, UX designs, and other supporting materials. All of this documentation was created to support the development of a cloud-based automated transcode and file delivery platform for affordable post-production promo and VFX pulls.

At the same time, pushed forward an internal development team to further enhance the product, and other support software, with new features, provided technical support, and assisted clients with onboarding and project startup. Developed a design system and brand unity for the Metabanq product, which was not implemented before the company's recent aqcuisition by Streamland Media. Metabanq.com

Freelance Design | Various Print/Digital

Working on other projects which were considered topically relevant or just pretty-darn-interesting, using Photoshop, Sketch, and Figma to generate print ready or digital display products. Sometimes taking direction or being allowed a bit of creative freedom in the pursuit of a great final product.

SIX | TV Series

"SEAL Team Six attempts to eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan, when they discover an American citizen working with the enemy."
Established workflow pipelines and generated specifications documentation to unify the production's various departments. Oversaw the production of digital dailies and maintained the delivery pipeline (Season 2). This production used an involved intermediate workflow in order to integrate realistic film grain post effects directly into the digital dailes. Worked as a Dailies Workflow Supervisor | Sim Post.